Welcome to my website. I am a guitarist and a singer-songwriter. I began playing the guitar in 1966. The first songs I learned were the contemporary/folk tunes on the air at the time. They were songs performed by Bob Dylan, Peter, Paul, and Mary, the Kingston Trio, and others. I then learned some Beatles, Rolling Stones, and Creedence Clearwater Revival tunes. Over the last 50+ years, I have steadily added enough tunes to have many hours' worth of material.
Here's a sample list.

I began writing songs as an early teen and continue writing them as they come to me. I also began performing as an early teen, first in church groups and soon thereafter providing mood music for parties and assorted social gatherings. I started playing in my first rock'n'roll band in high school and sat in with other bands during the same period. During college, I played mostly solo and in some duos, performing primarily acoustic blues and folk-rock; although, I did occasionally sit in on lead guitar with other groups.

Since college, I've continued to perform solo, in duos (Jones 'n' Markin), and in bands of various configurations. I have played primarily in the DC metro area, but my solo gigs have taken me to Aspen, San Diego, San Antonio, Denver, Houston, Jacksonville, Fort Myers, and Austin. I now reside in Bradenton, Florida during the winter months, in Shenandoah County, Virginia in the spring and fall, and in Digby County, Nova Scotia, Canada, during the summer. I play in most any configuration (solo, duo, trio, community jams) whenever I can in each of these locations.


I've written several songs that have been performed regularly by various musicals acts over the years. I was the frontman for the The MSJ Project from May of 2008 until July of 2014 when the band dissolved. In December 2008, we made a live recording of some of these tunes - that is we set up as a band, turned on the tape, and played; we did not lay down one track on top of another as is often how music is recorded. The result is a CD that sounds like we truly sounded when we played out in public.

Here's a link to mp3s of those songs .

Here's a link to mp3s of CDs recorded by the Idylwood Band .

Here's a link to mp3s of some of my songs I recorded on a Boss BR8 digital recorder in 2003.

Here's a link to me performing short acoustic versions of some of my originals.

Here's a link to me performing instrumentals of some standards and pop tunes.

I am currently taking a medication that limits my ability to sing for extended periods. Consequently, I have added a selection of jazz-style chord-melody instrumentals to my repertoire (see list). I now offer a selection of jazz standards, show tunes, and other popular tunes in solo guitar format. I can provide up to 90 minutes of background music for all types of social gatherings in this style. For samples of this format, check out my Videos Page. LGJ



Contact: Lee Gordon Jones - 3420 Wild Oak Bay Blvd #116, Bradenton FL - 703.309.0388

Last Updated 27 Feb 2022